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What is Career Robin?

Career Robin is a comprehensive career exploration program designed to help Ridge View High school students discover their career interests, develop essential skills, and make informed decisions about their future paths. Through a series of engaging activities, assessments, and real-world experiences, Career Robin guides students in navigating their career journey with confidence and clarity.

Why Career Robin?

Empowerment and Confidence: Through Career Robin, students feel empowered and confident in their career choices. They have a clear vision of their future and the steps needed to achieve their goals.

Comprehensive Support System: Students benefit from a comprehensive support system that includes the facilitator, supportive staff, mentors, and peers. This network provides guidance, encouragement, and resources at every step.

Engaged and Prepared: By participating in Career Robin, students are engaged in their learning and career development. They leave the program prepared for post-secondary education and the workforce, equipped with the skills, knowledge, and experiences needed for success.

Career Robin Workshops

Workshops are offered Multiple times per year!

Goal Setting & Time Management

Teach students how to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals and develop effective time management skills. Include activities like creating personal goal plans and time-blocking exercises.

Provide an in-depth look at various career clusters (e.g., Health Science, Information Technology, Arts and Communication). Include hands-on activities like cluster-specific projects and guest speakers.

Resume Writing & Cover Letters

Guide students through the process of creating a professional resume, writing cover letters, and filling out job applications. Include practical exercises like peer reviews and mock applications.

Entrepreneurship 101

To introduce junior and senior students to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, helping them understand what it takes to start a business, develop an entrepreneurial mindset, and explore how their skills and interests can translate into successful ventures.

To empower junior and senior students with essential financial literacy skills, including understanding budgeting, saving, and making informed financial decisions to prepare them for independent living.

Job Interview Prep

Teach students effective interview techniques, including common questions, STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method responses, and professional body language. Include mock interviews with feedback sessions.

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